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The Banana Breakdown
What's Happening?
  1. Learn about the basic anatomy of how you digest food?

    1. Digestive Tract

      1. Learning about where organs are in your body and how they work for you to digest food.

      2. Throat (esophagus), stomach, small intestine, and large intestine (colon)

  2. Chemistry

    1. Acid, has a high amount of protons in it

    2. Base, has a high amount of electrons in it

    3. In our digestion the food undergoes chemical breakdown so we can absorb all the nutrients we need. Chemical breakdown is the separation of a single chemical compound into its two or more elemental parts or to simpler compounds.

    4. In our bodies it can take time to break stuff down so we need something to break it down faster, they are call enzymes.Walk ⇒ Car ⇒ Driving

Why do we care?
  1. Basic knowledge of  healthy eating

  2. The better we eat the less our body has to work to break down the food.

  3. For example, Soda vs water, soda has crazy amount of sugar which the body then needs to process extra instead of water which is healthy.

  4. We see chemical reactions happen all around us!

  5. Rust

  6. Cooking

  7. Acid-Base, pH, which tells us the levels of protons to electrons.

  8. Foods that cause indigestion

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