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Build Your Knee
What's Happening?
  • Learning about how our bones are anatomically structured.

    • Some of the bones in our lower limb are the Tibia and Femur

      • These are really strong bones and are classified as long bones because they are longer in length than in width.

      • We have different kinds of bones in our body (206)

    • Bones are not the only thing in our bodies we also have ligaments which attach bone to bone to help create stability. Some of the ones in our knees are the ACL, PCL, LCL, MCL these help provide stability. They are not stretchy but allow for certain movement

    • Your knee is called a joint, there are many types of joints. The knee is a synovial joint because it contains synovial fluid to have friction free movement.

    • Cartilage is also in the knee it is called a meniscus which serves as a shock absorber

  • Walking, running and jumping creates stress on our knees. Sometimes can create bad stress if you are overusing, improperly use our knees that can cause a lot of bad impact on our knees and other structures

  • Sometimes things happen and we get hurt and we injury our knees and they lose stability. This can be really painful sometimes we need to go the doctor or sometimes we just need rest.

  • Flexion of muscles on front of thigh, quadriceps, causes the straightening of leg. Flexion of muscles on the back of the thigh, hamstrings, causes the flexion of leg.

    • Flexion: shorten

    • Extension: lengthen

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Why do we care?
  1. Everyday walking or running or sports

  2. Injuries

  3. Science and medicine look at how to prevent injuries and how to help in recovery

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